Daily Stoic - Why Narcissistic Leaders Fail 32:00
Dan Barker How a Christian Became an Atheist 19:50
Why Some People Leave Religion & Others Join 10:50
The Fine-Tuning Argument Debunked 12:48
Debate: Ricky Gervais vs. Stephen Colbert 4:46
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - On Causing Offence to Islam 9:13
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - How I Broke with Islam 1:51
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Why Islam Needs a Reformation 1:08:59
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - on the West, Dawa, and Islam 42:23
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - at the National Press Club 1:00:48
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - the Challenge of Radical Islam 1:06:38
Ayn Rand - James Day interview 27:36
The Vatican and the Third Reich 54:46
Dr Frans De Waal - Primates and Economics 17:38
Nick Hanauer - Capitalism a New Way Forward 17:04
Carl Sagan - Man in His Arrogance 3:55
Carl Sagan - A Universe Not Made For Us 8:58
Carl Sagan - Dismantles Creationism 2:47
Carl Sagan - A Way of Thinking 9:12
Michael Shermer - Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things 41:16
50 Renowned Academics on God 1:11:44
50 More Renowned Academics on God 39:03
A Further 50 Renowned Academics on God 37:48
20 Christian Academics Speaking About God 25:36
BBC Documentary - A History of Disbelief 59:03
Alan Dershowitz - vs. Religion 10:59
Bionic Dance - 20 Questions for Atheists 12:44
Peter Boghossian on the Rubin Report - Critical Thinking, Atheism... 1:17:12
CNS News - Brigitte Gabriel Destroies Political Corectness 4:51
James Randi's fiery takedown of psychic fraud TED Talk 17:19
Jerry Coyne - Why Evolution is True 1:05:32
John Oliver - Televangelists (HBO Last Week Tonight) 20:05
Mr. Deity - Religion Makes God Stupid 4:18
Frans de Waal - Morality Without Religion 18:14
Jonathan Haidt - Three Great Untruths to Stop Telling Kids 5:44
Dr Michael Shermer - God does NOT exist 16:03
Kent Hovind vs Michael Shermer Debate 2:12:53
George Carlin - On Religion and God 9:36
Maryam Namazie - World Atheist Convention Dublin 2011 49:59
VoysovReason - Top Ten Excuses for Belief in God 19:19
VoysovReason - Nothing Fails Like Prayer 9:12
Debate - Hitchens & Fry vs Archbishop Onaiyekan & Ann Widdecombe 1:59:11
Zeba Khan+Maajid Nawaz vs Ayaan Hirsi Ali+Doulas Murray Islam is a Religion of Peace 1:46:35
Debate - Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig 2:27:42
Debate - Sam Harris vs William Lane Craig 2:06:54
Sam Harris and Dave Rubin Talk Religion, Politics, Free Speech 1:20:41
Kenneth Miller - The Collapse of Intelligent Design 1:05:20
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Beyond Belief 38:49
John Davidson - Openly Secular 5:36
Dan Dennett - Good Reasons for Believing in God 1:10:13
Maria Konnikova - Con Artists and Religious Leaders 4:54
Lawrence Krauss - Atheism and the Spirit of Science 25:35
Ronald Lindsay - Why America is Not a Christian Nation-and Never Was 14:10
Phil Zuckerman - What Happens when Countries Lose Religion? 13:00
Phil Zuckerman - Are Religious People more Moral than Atheists? Here are the Facts 12:50
Planet Curious - Compilation 1:06:28
Julia Sweeney - Letting Go of God 2:10:11
How the Pope made German Catholics officially NAZIs 54:46